Thursday, July 31, 2014

His Happy Birthday

There once was a little boy who had a happy birthday.  It wasn’t a unique day or a special day or even a very remarkable day but for some reason it was a happy birthday.  He woke up like he did every day and did the things he does every day when he gets up.  He left his house in the morning and since it was summer he didn’t need to put on a jacket like he would when it wasn’t summer and he appreciated this very much.  The sun was shining and he imagined it was probably shining on the actual day of his birth much the same and he liked the thought of this very much.  There were a few clouds like cotton balls floating in the sky gently whispering their morning greetings and if he wasn’t mistaken, they added a little special greeting to him since it was his birthday.  He waved to the clouds and said thank you and the clouds waved back with a smile that obviously expressed their kind thoughts of the little boy for his gracious manner.  Soon he was on his way to explore the world again like he did every day until it was time to come home.  Upon arriving home, subsequent to his world explorations, there were festivities large and small in his honor, each of which he appreciated the same no matter the size and regardless of the fireworks, growling lions and adulating adorers.  He was simply content that it was his birthday and that it had been a nice day. 

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