Tuesday, May 20, 2014


He tucked his fish in, kissed its head and said good-night before turning out the lights.  “Sweet dreams little fish” he said and closed the bedroom door.  He loved that little fish like any little boy would and it wouldn’t be long before they were outside again playing catch, flying kites and exploring the world together.  One day, his little fish wanted to go into town so they headed towards town to explore the world, the fish leading the way and the boy following.  The little boy noticed that the further and further towards town they went, the more and more fish there appeared to be.  His fish seemed to be rather friendly with the other fish and soon the little boy felt strange and out of place.  Disheartened, he made his way back home all alone feeling abandoned and forgotten by the little fish he loved so much.  As the day went on and was about to conclude, the little boy thought he might never see his fish again but just as he was about to abandon all hope, the fish came home and sat down next to the little boy where he was watching the television.  “Boy am I glad to be home”, the fish said.  “Let’s not go into town again, those were some strange fish”.  And with that, they contentedly watched the television together until bedtime. 

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